next | MakeMaker is DOOMED! | Slide #16 |
And here's the code.
my $meta = <<YAML; # #XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX# name: $self->{DISTNAME} version: $self->{VERSION} version_from: $self->{VERSION_FROM} installdirs: $self->{INSTALLDIRS} requires: $prereq_pm distribution_type: module generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION YAML
my @write_meta = $self->echo($meta, 'META_new.yml'); my $move = $self->oneliner(<<'CODE', ['-MExtUtils::Command', '-MFile::Compare']); compare(@ARGV) != 0 ? (mv or warn "Cannot move @ARGV: $$!\n") : unlink(shift); CODE
return sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', join("\n\t", @write_meta), $move; metafile : $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Generating META.yml %s -$(NOECHO) %s META_new.yml META.yml MAKE_FRAG
Doesn't seem that bad, but this is *just to write a file*
Note the echo() and oneliner() methods, recent innovations.
They make this code much simplier.
Yes, this is the *simple version*.
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